Thursday 16 May 2013

Film: Star Trek - Into Darkness

As previously mentioned, it was nice to get to a film again, and something showing locally too. So, headed straight there after work. Not enough time to get something to eat, so was delighted to remember I had a packet of Chocos in my bag.

And so to the film. When Star Trek - Into Darkness started, I had some seconds' worry that this was, despite glowing reviews so far, going to be another of those sci-fi remakes with young, pretty faces, big explosions and not a lot else. That fear lasted no more than about a minute. Simply put, this is the equal of pretty much any sci-fi movie I have ever seen. And that's a lot of movies. The reviews consider this a return to the old style of Star Trek we know and love. I also saw traces of the original Star Wars trilogy (IV - VI) in there. Full of thrills and spills and special effects. And younger versions of all the original characters, some dead ringers for the actors who played their older selves. Oh, and check out Leonard Nimoy's cameo - my, he's looking old. I've heard criticisms of Simon Pegg as Scotty, but didn't see any problems with his performance. A great film - but I still don't understand the review on the poster that pronounced it "delightful"!

Ate in Nando's again, just up from the cinema. Well, if it ain't broke.. and a five-minute bus ride to right outside my house rounded off a pretty good evening!

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